Akal Information Systems Ltd.

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8 Effective Steps To Enhance The Productivity


Promoting Healthy Work Culture at AKAL

Interactive & Fun-Filled Session held on “How to increase Employee Productivity”

As a part of Akal’s regular practices to ensure “Employee Engagement & Satisfaction”, we recently conducted an interactive session with the new joiners of Akal’s family. The session was held on 18th February, in which new members from multiple departments of the organization came together for an open discussion. This session aimed to discuss how we can maintain Akal Info as a productive, fun, and comfortable workplace for it’s employees. 

Our beloved HR, Harleen Kaur, organized and hosted the event. Nonetheless, she was also accompanied by our Business Manager, Aditya Chhibber. The session started with an introduction, where each employee was asked to describe his/her colleagues. The session was full of laughter, new stories, and engaging discussions with each other. 

It was entirely an interactive session where we discussed Akal’s Vision, Mission, Purpose, Values, and accomplishments throughout the years. Besides that, we also talked about Akal’s achievements during the pandemic and how as an organization, we served the significant government bodies of India during the COVID-19 outbreak. 

Comprehensively, it was a fruitful session that helped the new employees to come out from their shell and become prompt participants in knowing each other better. 

The core goal of this session was to understand how we can make Akal a more productive yet enjoyable workspace for our employees.

Here are some of the top points that we discussed in the session: 

  • Regular Breaks: It is one of the best ways to increase productivity. At Akal, we encourage our employees to take frequent breaks, as it helps them regain energy and motivates them to continue making progress in the assigned tasks. These short breaks permit them to recharge and clear their minds. Apart from this, they can enjoy their lunch break with their colleagues, walk around the park, or do a little bit of stretching, which helps in keeping their energy levels up. 
  • Communicating Effectively: Communication is an integral part of any company. It keeps the flow of information alive and the employees updated regarding the new terms & policies, job roles, and responsibilities added to the organization. We promote effective two-way communication in our organization that keeps the workspace healthy and comfortable for everyone. 
  • Have Milestones & Goals: Having a common goal is essential for any organization. Seeing several deadlines and projects on the calendar can be stressful for the employees. Still, we encourage our employees to control it by breaking it into smaller milestones. Rather than doing it all at once, we divide it into smaller segments and enjoy each milestone we achieve. 
  • Meeting Deadlines: Instead of working on a project continuously, we encourage our employees to divide their time equally to complete the project in a set period. This helps to eradicate the monotony and motivates the employees to come up with innovative ideas. 
  • Attend Review Meetings: Akal organizes weekly/monthly meetings to review the performance of the employees and motivate them. It contributes to the overall productivity where we discuss the essential topics. 
  • Planning & Execution: Planning, organizing, and executing are the most preeminent points that keep the work environment productive. It contributes to the success and encourages the employees to plan and perform preferably. With the help of these three essential points, we uplift employees to prioritize their tasks accordingly. 
  • Train The Employees: Instead of pressuring the employees to accomplish the goals without guidance, we organize weekly or monthly training sessions to enhance their skills. 
  • Organize Events: Organizing multiple events is ideal for keeping employees’ morale upward, Akal stands by it. Besides this, we also provide incentives to the best employees and recognize their work, which only increases their efficiency.   

By utilizing these prominent tips, we aim to ensure the productivity and efficiency of our employees. Along with it, we try to remain consistent and help them develop additional skills, and keep it creative yet fun.

We welcome the new members to the Akal family and hope that they have the most wonderful experience with us. Cheers to the new journey and never-ending achievements at Akal!

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Last modified: July 18, 2023
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