Akal Information Systems Ltd.

Written by 11:36 am Events

Akal’s new office inaugurated

Akal’s new office inaugurated

We, at Akal, are truly proud to announce the inauguration of our new office space, today on 2nd April, 2021. The inauguration ceremony was attended by members of the AKAL family as well as our near and dear ones. Inaugurated by the ‘father figure of the AKAL family’ Mr Ajit Singh, the marking of this new milestone commenced with an Ardaas Puja, followed by some light refreshments. This was done with utmost care, following the social distancing and other COVID-19 protocols.

We, at AKAL, are truly proud of this momentous milestone and glad that we get to share it with you. Staying true to following our vision – To enhance Human Capital value by providing technology support and services that meet or exceed our customer expectations – we have made great progress in every step we take and hope to continue to do so.

The steady growth and progress that AKAL continues to experience have prompted for a new office space. Today, as we enter yet another worthwhile chapter in our lives, we want to thank God and everyone who continues to pave the way for AKAL to thrive.

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Last modified: July 20, 2023
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