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Empowering Persons with Disabilities: Developing A Loan Management System For NHFDC

Developing A Loan Management System For NHFDC

The National Handicapped Finance & Development Corporation (NHFDC) aims to provide financial assistance to disabled individuals for income-generating activities. They approached AKAL to develop their Loan Management System (LMS) to empower persons with disabilities in India.

The Client

The National Handicapped Finance & Development Corporation (NHFDC) is an apex institution for channelling funds to persons with disabilities through State Channelizing Agencies (SCAs) nominated by respective State Governments. Its clientele includes individuals with various disabilities across India seeking financial support to establish sustainable livelihoods.

Our Solution

AKAL developed a robust Loan Management System (LMS) for NHFDC to manage and disburse financial assistance efficiently. Built on Microsoft .NET 4.0 framework with C#, the LMS follows a three-tier MVC architecture. The system is hosted on the NIC Cloud, ensuring scalability, security, and accessibility.

Key features of the LMS include

  • Streamlined application submission, processing, and approval workflows.
  • Automated fund disbursement to SCAs and beneficiaries.
  • Comprehensive reporting and monitoring functionalities to track fund utilisation and impact.
  • Accessibility features are incorporated to accommodate users with disabilities.
  • Stringent data security measures to safeguard sensitive information.

Technology Used

  • Framework: Microsoft .NET 4.0
  • Programming Language: C#
  • Architecture: Three-tier MVC
  • Database: Microsoft SQL 2008 R2
  • Hosting: NIC Cloud
  • Development Tools: Visual Studio 2010
  • Version Control: Team Foundation 2010

The Impact

The implementation of NHFDC’s LMS has significantly enhanced the accessibility and efficiency of financial assistance for persons with disabilities in India. By leveraging technology, NHFDC has:

  • Reduced processing times for loan applications and fund disbursements, leading to quicker assistance delivery.
  • Enhanced reporting capabilities provide stakeholders with real-time insights into fund utilisation and impact.
  • Expanded accessibility of financial assistance to a larger number of disabled individuals across diverse geographical regions.
  • Enabled beneficiaries to establish sustainable income-generating activities, fostering economic independence and social inclusion.

The Conclusion

The National Handicapped Finance & Development Corporation’s Loan Management System is a testament to technology’s transformative power in empowering persons with disabilities.

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Last modified: June 25, 2024
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