Akal Information Systems Ltd.

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Empowering Farmers and Plant Breeders with a Robust Digital Platform


The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority (PPVFRA) approached Akal with the challenge of creating a comprehensive digital platform. This platform needed to streamline the issuance of certificates to farmers for crop groups, protect the rights of farmers and plant breeders, and encourage agricultural innovation. We delivered a robust website and app solution. Let’s explore more about it. 

The Client Profile (PPVFRA)

The PPVFRA is a statutory body established under the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001. The authority aims to protect the rights of farmers and plant breeders by recognising their contributions in conserving, improving, and making plant genetic resources available. The ultimate goal is to accelerate agricultural development and stimulate investment in plant variety research and development.

Project Overview

The PPVFRA required a digital solution to support the establishment of an effective system. This project involved creating a user-friendly website and an integrated app to issue certificates, manage applications, and provide vital information to stakeholders.

Our Solutions

We developed a dynamic website and mobile application to meet the diverse needs of the PPVFRA. 

Key features of the solution included:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed a clean, intuitive interface for easy navigation.
  • Application Forms: Implemented online forms for the registration of new and extant varieties, essentially derived varieties (EDV), farmers’ varieties, and various awards and recognitions.
  • Certificate Issuance: Enabled the digital issuance of certificates to farmers for crop groups.
  • Accessibility: Ensured the website and app were accessible on various devices, including desktops, smartphones, and tablets.
  • Security: Integrated robust security measures to protect sensitive data related to plant genetic resources and farmer contributions.

The Impact

The digital platform developed by Akal Info significantly improved the efficiency and accessibility of the PPVFRA’s services. 

  • Farmers and breeders can now easily access and submit applications online, reducing the need for physical visits and paperwork.
  • The digital issuance of certificates and automated application processing reduced administrative burdens and turnaround times.
  • By protecting the rights of breeders and farmers, the platform fosters an environment conducive to agricultural research and development.
  • Ensured India’s compliance with international agreements on intellectual property rights related to plant varieties.


This project exemplifies how digital solutions can enhance transparency, streamline processes, and encourage innovation in the agricultural sector. The PPVFRA continues to benefit from the digital transformation, ensuring the protection and development of plant varieties in India.

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Last modified: May 29, 2024
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