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Top Programming Languages of 2024

Top Programming Languages of 2024

When it comes to web and software development, certain programming languages have emerged as market leaders. Python, Java, JavaScript, and C++ are among the most sought-after languages. Whether you’re aiming to enhance your coding skills or carve a career in the tech industry, mastering a programming language can be incredibly rewarding. It sharpens your technical prowess, enhances problem-solving abilities, and opens doors to lucrative job opportunities.

With over 700 programming languages available, choosing the right one to learn first can be daunting. The best choice ultimately depends on your goals and the types of projects you wish to undertake. This article explores the ten best programming languages to learn in 2024, helping you make an informed decision. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) anticipates a remarkable 25 per cent growth rate for software developers, quality assurance analysts, and testers between 2022 and 2032—significantly outpacing the average growth rate of 8 per cent for all occupations.

However, the skills and knowledge required for these roles can vary widely. This article will discuss these top programming languages of 2024 and their individual scope in the market today.

List of Top Programming Languages in 2024

If you’re looking for a go-to resource to learn various programming languages, this guide covers the most popular ones to master in 2024.

  1. Python
  2. C#
  3. C++
  4. JavaScript
  5. PHP
  6. Swift
  7. Java
  8. Go
  9. SQL
  10. Ruby


Python, a high-level, general-purpose programming language, is celebrated for its versatility. It excels in diverse tasks such as data analysis, visualisation, web development, prototyping, and automation. Its effectiveness as a scripting language and support for various programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative, procedural, and functional programming, contribute to its widespread popularity among developers.

A key feature of Python is its open-source nature, enabling programmers to customise its source code to suit their needs. Its syntax is intuitive and closely resembles English, making it accessible to beginners. Learning Python is an excellent starting point for those aspiring to become software developers or engineers.

The demand for Python developers is growing, with career opportunities in fields like data science, software engineering, and artificial intelligence (AI) research. If you’re thinking about learning Python, exploring top web developer certifications can significantly boost your programming career.

  • Ideal For: Beginners
  • Difficulty Level: Easy to learn, read, and write
  • Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of front-end development can facilitate the learning process


  • Back-end web development
  • Desktop applications
  • Data Science
  • Automation
  • Deep learning
  • Machine learning and scientific computing


  • Open-source
  • Highly scalable
  • Rich graphical user interface (GUI) frameworks
  • Compatible with both Mac and Windows
  • Strong and growing community support


  • Slower execution due to its interpreted nature
  • High memory usage
  • Not ideal for mobile development


C# is an object-oriented programming language that organises software design around objects, making it a powerful tool for modern software development.

C# stands out as one of the top programming languages due to its high performance and enhanced stability. It offers a simpler syntax and well-defined class hierarchy, making it easier to learn compared to its predecessors, C and C++. Originally developed by Microsoft for its .NET framework, C# is now compatible with both Windows and Linux, making it an excellent choice for developing GUI-based desktop applications.

C# is versatile, allowing programmers to use it across various environments, including mobile and enterprise software. Developers can create Android and iOS apps and build 2D and 3D games using Unity. Its broad applicability and growing demand make C# a valuable skill for web development companies seeking talented coders.

  • Ideal For: Beginners and intermediates
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate
  • Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of C and an understanding of object-oriented programming can ease the learning process


  • Web applications
  • Mobile applications
  • Game and VR development
  • Linux and Mac applications


  • Fast compilation and execution times
  • Ideal for all types of Windows development
  • Safer than C and C++, as it avoids using pointers
  • Large .NET developer community
  • Extensive frameworks


  • Steeper learning curve compared to other languages
  • Limited cross-platform compatibility due to dependency on the .NET environment


C++ is an advanced version of C and one of the most popular programming languages in computer science. Its versatility makes it a valuable language to learn.

C++ is known for its speed and power, enabling developers to create high-performance applications such as video games, graphics software, and web browsers. It combines the characteristics of both low-level and high-level languages, making it suitable for system programming while allowing abstraction for smaller projects. Additionally, C++ is a multi-paradigm language, that supports object-oriented, generic, and imperative programming.

However, learning C++ can be challenging for beginners due to its complex syntax compared to other programming languages.

Proficiency in C++ is essential for many IT professionals, including software developers and programming architects. The demand for C++ developers remains high, as it is one of the more complex coding languages. Highlighting your C++ skills on your resume can help you secure the best job offers in the industry.

  • Ideal For: Experienced coders
  • Difficulty Level: Hard
  • Prerequisites: Problem-solving skills. understanding of computer functions, and basic programming knowledge


  • Computer programs
  • Operating systems
  • Mobile app development
  • Video game development
  • Client and server-side application development
  • Machine learning


  • Open-source
  • Highly versatile
  • Fast and powerful
  • Offers extensive control
  • Works well across devices and platforms
  • Skills are transferable to other languages


  • Difficult for beginners
  • Misuse of pointers can lead to errors
  • Less efficient object-oriented structure compared to other OOP languages
  • Lacks garbage collection


JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are the go-to programming language for front-end web development. It powers the client-side scripting of 97.8% of all websites, making it the most popular language for enhancing web interactivity.

JavaScript creates dynamic elements on web pages, such as animated graphics, clickable buttons, and mouseover effects. It’s also a top choice for developing web applications due to its intuitive design and ease of use.

JavaScript is relatively easy to learn, making it an ideal language for UI/UX designers, full-stack developers, and software engineers. It’s a perfect starting point for anyone looking to become a web developer.

  • Ideal For: Beginners
  • Difficulty Level: Relatively easy
  • Prerequisites: Basic coding skills and familiarity with HTML and CSS


  • Front-end web development
  • Game development
  • Web applications


  • Open-source
  • Incredibly fast client-side execution, as it doesn’t require compilation
  • Compatible with other top programming languages
  • Enhances user experience and engagement on websites


  • Security issues
  • Unstable cross-browser performance


Swift is one of the more recent programming languages in today’s market, initially introduced as an alternative to Objective-C, the primary language for Apple products. Developers have shifted to Swift due to its modern features, such as concurrent programming and automatic memory management. Additionally, Swift is easier to write and faster than Objective-C.

Swift has become arguably the best programming language for Apple product development and is one of the fastest-growing programming languages available. If you’re interested in developing for Apple products, Swift is an excellent first language to learn.

Expertise in iOS app development is highly sought after as Apple continues to lead in generating revenue and profit in the smartphone industry.

  • Ideal For: Beginners
  • Difficulty Level: Easy to read and learn
  • Prerequisites: None

Applications: Software development, particularly for macOS and iOS apps


  • Open-source
  • 2.6 times faster than Objective-C
  • Improved readability due to clean code
  • Interoperable with Objective-C
  • Lower memory footprint


  • Considered a young programming language despite its rapid development
  • Lack of support for older iOS versions


Java is a high-level, general-purpose programming language owned by Oracle, known for enabling coders to create a wide range of applications with ease. Its reputation as a “write once, run anywhere” language means Java code can run on any operating system, regardless of where it was originally written.

Java is considered an easy coding language to learn due to its syntax, which is familiar and closely related to real-world tasks and its object-oriented structure. Modern Java frameworks, such as Spring and Hibernate, further simplify the development process for programmers.

Java’s versatility makes it suitable for various fields, including software engineering, back-end web development, data science, big data, and financial services, where its robust security features are particularly valued.

Java programmers can easily learn new languages thanks to the transferable skills they acquire. This makes Java an excellent first programming language for any coding enthusiast. Additionally, the demand for Java developers remains high, offering various career opportunities such as software engineer, quality assurance analyst, project manager, and UX designer.

  • Ideal For: Beginners
  • Difficulty Level: Considerably easy to learn
  • Prerequisites: Basic level of programming knowledge


  • Mobile app development
  • Application development
  • Desktop apps
  • Web apps
  • Game development
  • ML and scientific computing


  • Highly versatile
  • Easy to learn, write, compile, and debug
  • Modern frameworks speed up Java development
  • Various APIs for application development
  • Supports multithreading
  • Enhanced security features
  • Cross-platform compatibility


  • Slow execution times
  • Memory-consuming

Go (Golang)

Go, also known as Golang, was designed for developing APIs, web applications, and GUI-based desktop applications. Despite being a relatively new language, it has rapidly gained popularity.

One of Go’s standout features is its support for concurrent programming, which allows developers to efficiently use multicore CPUs and manage large codebases. This, coupled with Go’s excellent performance, makes it an ideal language for creating algorithms, web servers, and data pipelines.

Go’s concurrency model is simpler than many other programming languages. Using lightweight Goroutines, programmers can run functions as subprocesses by simply adding the “go” keyword.

Moreover, Go’s simplicity, despite being based on the disciplined syntax of C, makes it easier to learn. As a result, it has become one of the most sought-after programming languages.

Go developers are in high demand and command impressive salaries. Career opportunities for Go developers include roles such as software engineers, data scientists, back-end web developers, and AI researchers.

  • Ideal For: Beginners to intermediates
  • Difficulty Level: Easy to learn due to its clean code
  • Prerequisites: Having a solid foundation in C or Java can make learning Go easier


  • Back-end web development
  • Web apps
  • ML
  • System Programming
  • Big data


  • Open-source
  • Great execution times
  • Easy concurrency model
  • Better security
  • Great support for testing and static analysis tools


  • Library support is limited
  • Limited generic functions
  • Not the best to develop complex programs

Structured Query Language (SQL) stands out as a crucial programming language for those interested in data science and statistical computing. It is specifically designed for querying, manipulating, and analyzing data stored in relational databases.

SQL ranks as the third most-used language according to Stack Overflow, underscoring its widespread use across industries. Job opportunities for SQL developers are abundant as companies rely heavily on database management for their operations.

Web developers utilize SQL to organize website databases, while marketers leverage it for evaluating marketing campaigns. SQL is supported by numerous database management systems, including MySQL and MariaDB, further cementing its importance.

SQL developers are highly sought after due to its essential role in data management. Fortunately, learning SQL is straightforward as its syntax uses common English words, making it accessible even for beginners.

  • Ideal For: Beginners
  • Difficulty Level: Easy to learn but can become challenging when creating advanced functions
  • Prerequisites: None


  • Data Science
  • Back-end data management
  • Business intelligence tools
  • Generation of sales reports


  • Quicker query processing
  • Brilliant portability
  • Strong security features
  • Greatly interactive
  • Big user community


  • Not open-source
  • Not suitable for building applications


Ruby is a widely used open-source programming language known for its versatility in web application development, data analysis, and prototyping.

The language features an English-like syntax, making it straightforward for developers to learn and use. This interpreted, general-purpose language is particularly favoured for its ease of comprehension.

Ruby on Rails (RoR), its popular framework, offers numerous advantages such as enhanced web application security, low maintenance requirements, and suitability for full-stack development.

Despite misconceptions about its vitality, Ruby remains a stable choice for website development. Learning Ruby is a valuable step for those looking to advance their skills in website and web application development.

  • Ideal For: Beginners
  • Difficulty Level: Very easy to learn
  • Prerequisites: None

Applications: Front-end and back-end web development


  • Open-source
  • Quick to write and easy to debug
  • Efficient garbage collection
  • Big and active community
  • Ruby on Rails framework is ideal for website creation


  • Slower performance compared to some other languages
  • Less flexibility
  • Issues with multithreading

What is the Best Programming Language?

Choosing the best programming language depends largely on your specific needs and goals. Here’s a breakdown of some excellent programming languages to enhance your web development skills:

1. Client-side Programming

For front-end development, JavaScript stands out as the best choice due to its widespread adoption and powerful capabilities in creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

2. Server-side Programming

When it comes to handling communication between databases and applications on the server-side:

Python, PHP, Go, and Ruby are highly recommended. Each offers robust frameworks and libraries for efficient server-side development.

3. Web Application Development

To build robust web applications:

C#, JavaScript, Java, Go, and Ruby are top contenders. These languages provide extensive tools and frameworks tailored for developing scalable and feature-rich web applications.

4. Database Management

For managing relational databases:

SQL (Structured Query Language) remains essential, allowing efficient querying, manipulation, and analysis of data stored in databases.

5. No-Code Development Platforms

If coding is not your forte, consider no-code development platforms that enable building applications without traditional programming. These platforms streamline the development process for various applications.

Specialised Areas

1. Game Development

C++, JavaScript, and Java are powerhouse languages in game development, offering performance and flexibility for creating immersive gaming experiences.

2. Mobile App Development

For mobile apps, C++ and Java are preferred for their robust performance across different mobile platforms. Swift is ideal for iOS app development.

3. GUI Applications

Developing desktop applications with graphical user interfaces (GUIs) is well-supported by languages such as Python, C#, Java, and Go. Each offers frameworks that simplify GUI application development.

4. Data Processing

Python, SQL, and Ruby excel in data processing and statistical computing, offering powerful tools and libraries for analysing and manipulating large datasets.

5. Versatility

C++ stands out as one of the most versatile languages due to its ability to handle low-level system tasks and high-performance applications. Java also offers versatility across different domains, from web development to enterprise applications.

6. Popularity

Python leads in popularity due to its readability, versatility, and extensive community support. It is followed by Java, JavaScript, C++, and C# in terms of widespread adoption and usage.

Choosing the right programming language depends on your project requirements, existing skills, and long-term career goals. Each language offers unique strengths suited for different aspects of web development and beyond.

How to Learn a New Programming Language?

Here are some options for learning a new programming language:


Bootcamps offer an accelerated and intense approach to learning how to code. Typically lasting from a week to a few months, these courses are often provided by companies and universities to streamline learning. They focus on practical skills and may cover subjects such as web development, mobile app development, or data science.

Degree Programs

Degree programs in computer science or computer engineering include structured coursework in programming. These programs provide a comprehensive education covering programming languages and foundational principles of software development, algorithms, data structures, and hardware applications. A degree program offers a deeper understanding of computer science concepts and often includes opportunities for internships and research projects.

Both boot camps and degree programs are valuable options depending on your learning style, career goals, and time commitment. Boot camps are ideal for those looking for rapid skill acquisition and practical application, while degree programs provide a broader and more in-depth education in computer science.

FAQs about Top Programming Languages

Python and R are widely adopted in data science due to their robust libraries and frameworks for statistical analysis, machine learning, and data visualisation. SQL is also essential for managing and querying large datasets.

Java, Kotlin, Swift, and React Native are prominent languages for mobile app development. Java and Kotlin are preferred for Android apps, Swift for iOS apps, and React Native for cross-platform development.

Game development often relies on C++, C#, and JavaScript. C++ is known for its performance and is widely used in game engines, while C# is popular with frameworks like Unity. JavaScript is used for browser-based games.

Scripting languages such as Bash, Python, and PowerShell are crucial for system administration and automation. They enable the creation of scripts to automate system tasks, manage servers, and deploy software efficiently.

Python dominates in artificial intelligence and machine learning due to its extensive libraries like TensorFlow, Keras, and scikit-learn. Additionally, R and Java are also used for specific AI and ML applications.

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Last modified: July 11, 2024
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